Letter to CBC – “Beige Horizon”

December 30, 2016 § Leave a comment

Wake-up Call for the alt-right: a Beige Horizon is Inevitable

The CBC “comedy” television show This Hour has 22 Minutes recently presented a music video both on TV and the internet (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wb55teb1gJ0) by the above title. The video unabashedly calls for the extinction of all the world’s races and amalgamation into one “beige” race. It poses this future as inevitable and positive, claiming that “we’ll all look the same by the year 3000”. Would it be okay for CBC to produce a video chanting “white power, white power, white power” and calling for the extinction of other races? Is diversity not considered a value by the CBC? Everyone being the same is the opposite of diversity. This content is not presented as satire as well; they are serious.
I find this video to be hackneyed, unfunny and non-factual (the “rapper” claims that “we’ve been [genetically] mix ‘n’ matchin’ since the break of day”, which is factually inaccurate.
Please cancel ‘This Hour has 22 Minutes’ for advocating genocide and fire everyone involved in this segment.
Kindly inform me via email when the aforementioned people have been fired. Thanks.

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